Our leadership started as researchers at M Science, where they delivered insights based on alternative data.
Many investors trust M Science as their de facto data organization;
they can call an M Science analyst and get a download on what they see in the data.
That’s where they want to meet the data.
Over time, many clients wanted to get deeper into the data themselves –
and M Science began to offer a limited selection of raw data used in M Science research.
Investors appreciated M Science’s ability to demonstrate to them how they found value in the data.
As some of us began to spend more time on supporting the data implementation for clients,
we decided this merited a dedicated effort, and formed Sundial to embody this effort.
At Sundial, we believe that buying raw data should have
the same level of service and support as buying investment research.
We want to cater your data solution to the level of granularity of research that your team needs.
We make the data meet you where you are.