With data starting in December of 2019, Sundial | Liftr Cloud Components Tracker (CCT) is the key alternative data provider with data covering cloud service provider (CSP) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (laaS) and bare metal computer instance types, region-by-region across the globe. The CCT monitors major CSPs such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and more. Reach out to us for the full list of CSPs, Processor/Accelerator specifications, and more.
Observe the pulse of hyperscale AI with Sundial | Liftr Intelligence Compute Tracker (ICT). This solution leverages nearly five years of trends and comparable history, supplying visibility into AI introductions, signals, underlying product details, and insights. By using data from our Cloud Components Tracker, Sundial can provide insights into AI training and inference semiconductors; AI reservations, previews and limited access types; and AI-focused CSPs. The ICT monitors major industry leaders, including CoreWeave, Lambda, and Vultr. Learn how both CCT and ICT trackers can be combined to maximize the Sundial | Liftr offering.